This sweet 1, she keeps her mind in Hell. That’s why she smiles the way she does. Look up, dear, the battle is over1.
Cristo ressuscitou! And still, her mind remains in Hell. Her heart is smitten, and withered like grass; so that she forgets to eat her bread2. But she lifts up her heart; a perfect offering. Em verdade ressuscitou!
She sheds tears, reminding her of her baptism. She sheds them daily. And she waters God’s sweet dirt with those tiny drops of repentance. Turnt way from You. By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept3. As her heart bled through her shirt.
A red spot on her shirt where her heart is.
Let us who despair despair no more. That the gates of Heaven have been opened. And Hell embittered. O Death, where are you now? O Death, you took a fleshly body but got met by God. O Hell, where is your victory?
Cristo ressuscitou! Cristo ressuscitou! Cristo ressuscitou!
Lord have mercy (x12)
In Christ,
Dn 7:11-13
Ps 102
Ps 137